The Girlchild.. (The Incessant Rape of Teen Girls)

It's so disheartening to know that even in the 21st century some barbaric acts and scandals can be carried out secretly to no ones utter knowledge. One would think that the growth and development era would have on its own curtailed the practice of barbaric acts however such is not the case. The incessant crime of rape has left a scare on today's century. In previous years, the level of rape was high but statistics claim it has been reduced in our present time. However that's not the case as seen from this viewpoint. Let me put it to you today that rape has been an incessant crime committed continuously over the ages. In our modern society today, the pendulum seems to have swung and the target mirrored towards the teenage girls unlike before that more developed young women were predominantly targeted. Today's rape targets are young growing girls of which statistically we have been told belong to an age range of 9-16. The question...